"KOSTASystem" project - 08/07/2020

ISURKI, electronic engineering firm located in the north of Spain and official partner of the swiss SoM leader manufacturer TORADEX, has developed and deployed during the last 4 years, and in a close collaboration relationship with the marine science research centre AZTI, a TORADEX Apalis SoM based image acquisition and processing range of remote, compact and self-powered outstations for the videometric monitoring of the coast shoreline, deploying units all over the Basque country beaches.

The oustations core is the TORADEX Apalis TK1 SoM based ISURKI’s IXORA BOX PC embedded industrial computer, managing different tasks such as image acquisition, processing, storage and 4G transmission, energy consumption optimization, real time monitoring, alarms messaging, etc...).

The IXORA BOX PC main features include NVIDIA® Tegra K1 Quad-core Arm® 2.1 GHz μP, 2 GB DDR, 16 GB Flash. The new 1.2 version of the embedded industrial input/outputs TESDA board includes 4 analogue inputs, 4 digital inputs and 4 relay outputs.
The use of the TORADEX based IXORA BOX PC embedded industrial computers has supposed a cutting edge step forward in the features performed by the KOSTASystem outstations with respect to the x86 computer based solution used at the beginning of this project, enhancing them with the next advantages:
     • Consuption reducction, allowing autonomous operation with a minimum solar panel size.
     • Cabinet size reduction, minimizing the visual impact and allowing elevated mounting to reduce risk of vandalism.
     • Fanless operation.
     • Cost reduction.

The KOSTASystem videometric solution features 4 fps of 5 Mp resolution images and offers the next services to the Administration responsible of the littoral management:
     • Shoreline monitoring
     • Intertidal topography, surface and volume variation
     • Beach users density.
     • Wave break zone, bar and rip currents detection